


California is targeting a just and equitable energy transition to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045. 这意味着从大气中去除与加州产生的碳一样多的碳. 在圣地亚哥和奥兰治县南部地区,可持续发展目标&E和许多地方城市也将碳中和作为他们的目标.

To stimulate community engagement and economywide collaboration to achieve our shared climate goals, 西班牙&E has published its vision on how to decarbonize the economy while also prioritizing grid reliability, 可负担性和公平性. 净零之路:加州的脱碳路线图  为该州到2045年实现碳中和提出了具体建议. 

This Roadmap is the first publicly available analysis to use the utility industry reliability standard and industry-specific planning tools to evaluate  electric reliability in modeling how to decarbonize California through 2045.  在波士顿咨询集团的技术支持下进行 & Veatch和加州大学圣地亚哥分校教授David Victor说, the study concluded that a diversified decarbonization approach is necessary: a combination of clean electricity, 清洁燃料(如可再生天然气和清洁氢气), 去除碳.

我们邀请您查看这项研究,并与我们合作,建立一个更加脱碳的, 人人享有公平和负担得起的未来.


Clean, safe and reliable electricity is foundational to California’s future and economic prosperity. 为了实现到2045年实现碳中和的目标,加州需要在2020年实现脱碳.5 times the pace over the past decade and grow its electric system capacity to approximately four times the capacity that existed in 2020. A dramatic expansion in energy generation is needed to support the electrification of transportation and buildings, 它们目前占加州温室气体排放量的41%和14%, 分别.*

在未来, 电力必须既清洁又可靠, 即使能源消耗急剧增加.

净零之路:加州的脱碳路线图 is the first study to apply the utility industry standard for reliability to model decarbonization. 标准的, 即十分之一的负荷预期损失(LOLE), considers an electric system to be highly reliable if the probability of a power outage from energy demand exceeding firm electric supply is less than one day every 10 years.

随着用电量的增加, additional electric infrastructure will be necessary for California to support decarbonization and reliability. The Roadmap forecasts that California will need to rapidly grow its mix of both in-state and imported renewable power, enabling the geographic diversification of renewable power and minimizing the impact of weather events, 比如极热或极冷. 另外, the statewide grid will need to integrate significantly more energy storage to help balance demand with supply, 以及100%清洁氢燃烧产生的电能.

*California Air Resources Board (CARB) 2000-2019 GHG Inventory (2021 edition, by economic sector).




考虑到创纪录的通货膨胀,更高的能源价格和加州的生活成本,可持续发展目标&E敏锐地意识到我们的客户所面临的财务挑战. 脱碳的重要工作必须与可负担性相平衡. The investments required to bring more clean energy innovations online must be carefully planned to ensure that the state’s businesses, 居民和组织可以公平地承担成本并实现收益.  


为了更好地理解未来脱碳对可负担性和公平性的影响, 净零之路:加州的脱碳路线图 estimates illustrative changes to residential customers’ total annual energy expenses (ongoing costs only), 包括预计的电费和煤气费, 还有运输成本, 随着时间的推移. 根据路线图, customers who are able to electrify and actually do so could have similar ongoing energy costs in 2045 compared to today, 排除未来通胀影响. 然而, successful decarbonization should ensure that everyone is able to adopt decarbonization technologies and benefit from the clean energy transition.


在继续取得进展的同时, additional regulatory and policy support is necessary to meet California’s goal to be carbon neutral by 2045. 净零之路:加州的脱碳路线图 就规管及政策方面提出以下建议: 

  • 维持可负担性,促进公平 by reforming gas and electric rates and exploring alternative funding and recovery mechanisms for public programs, supporting low-income households so they can benefit from the clean energy transition (for example, 财政激励以抵消购买电动汽车的前期成本), 投资培训项目,重新部署受影响的工人.
  • 优先考虑电力系统可靠性 通过将其纳入长期国家规划, implementing a regional transmission organization and adopting inclusive technology solutions.
  • 激励创新和适应性 by encouraging research and development and supporting pilot programs that help develop emerging technologies meet the required pace of decarbonization.
  • 启用部署脱碳基础设施 通过简化监管审查和使用联邦土地的程序, 以及调动资金支持新的发展.  




我们正在分享我们的研究结果, 净零之路:加州的脱碳路线图, 在公众场合与领导人广泛接触, 私人, nonprofit and academic sectors because we recognize building a net zero future cannot be done alone. 西班牙&E has been and will continue to work with a broad range of stakeholders to help decarbonize the regional and statewide economy.  

2020年10月,我们制定了全面的可持续发展战略. 2021年3月, we solidified our sustainability commitment by pledging to reach net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2045, 与加州的气候目标一致. 我们的承诺包括减少可持续发展目标所产生的所有三种排放&我们的运营和我们的客户消耗我们提供的能源. 每年,可持续发展目标&E报告我们实现零净排放的进展. We will continue to make updates to the Roadmap and our sustainability strategy as technologies, 客户对创新的采用, 政策和法规不断发展. 

We are rapidly expanding the EV charging network in the region to enable residents and businesses to transition to zero-emission vehicles and equipment, 从电动汽车和卡车到电动公共汽车和叉车. 到目前为止, 我们已经安装了3个以上,工作场所有200个充电口, multi-dwelling单位, 工作场所, 学校, 公园, 圣地亚哥港和圣地亚哥机场. We are also working to transition our own fleet to 100% zero-emission vehicles by 2035 so we can help reduce air pollution when conducting business in our community.  
西班牙&E正在构建多样化的能源存储解决方案组合,包括钒氧化还原流, 锂锰, 磷酸锂离子和铁盐液流电池. 这些解决方案将有助于建立电网的可靠性,并有助于储存多余的可再生能源. 所有的西班牙&能源项目与国家市场相连, meaning the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) will be able to dispatch energy at any time to balance supply and demand on the statewide grid. 
安全、可靠和脱碳与野火安全有着千丝万缕的联系. Wildfires threaten the reliability and safety of electric infrastructure and produce enormous amounts of GHG emissions and air pollution. 防止野火,可持续发展目标&E has invested more than $3 billion over the past decade to establish an industry-leading wildfire safety and climate resilience program. 这包括地下输电线, 加强区域应急准备, 通过直播等先进技术提高态势感知能力, 火灾监控摄像头和基于人工智能的火灾预测模型. 在过去的14年中,可持续发展目标&电子设备还没有引发任何重大野火. 
西班牙&E是集成智能电网技术的领导者, 包括超高速传感器, 这有助于减少中断和中断的持续时间. 连续17年,可持续发展目标&E在2021年被评为“西方最可靠的电力公司”, we were named as the "Most Reliable 电 Utility in the Nation" by PA Consulting for the second time.


我们重视本地区居民、组织和企业的声音. 如果您对我们的目标有任何意见或反馈, 我们的策略,甚至是你对脱碳的担忧, 请分享你的想法.

另外, 如果你想了解脱碳的最新情况, 我们的目标或其他公告的进展, 请填写以下表格与我们联系.

